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Pre-Employment Training is a fantastic way to get unemployed people ready for employment in a wide range of sectors.

Our Pre-Employment Training courses are delivered over 5-10 days and over this period learners complete workbooks and gain valuable knowledge

relevant to the sector. Throughout the programme, learners will also gain sector based qualifications


  • Become fully qualified

  • Develop employability skills

  • Build your confidence

  • Progress into employment

  • Receive employment support


  • Age 19+

  • Unemployed

  • Good communication skills

  • Committed and willing to learn

  • Eligible to work within the UK

Core Behaviours Requirements:


  • These courses are fully funded through the Adult Education Budget.

  • These courses are available for anyone who reaches the eligibility requirements.


AIM: The overall aim of the Pre-Employment Operator course is to ensure new starters can apply the skills, behaviours & attitudes to succeed in the workforce/workplace. This course provides Line Ready Operators with knowledge and practical experience of Health & Safety, Daily Workplace Management (DWM) and Lean Tools.

OBJECTIVES: Develop and enhance skills required for the working environment. Develop learner/s confidence for employment and motivation.

Improve communication skills and personal effectiveness.

Drive awareness of Workplace Management (DWM) principles and techniques – facilitating understanding, implementation and adherence of

Visual Management/Control systems.

Understanding the role of the operator, lead operator and supervisor in achieving Safety, Quality, Delivery and Cost Targets


AIM: The aim of the course is to focus on the study of environmental awareness and carbon footprint reduction associated with a wide range of workplaces and linked to the lifestyles of individuals. This course offers knowledge that is relevant, and can be applied, across a variety of sectors.

OBJECTIVES: Become familiar with the basics of the environment and climate change.

Develop an understanding of environmental protection and the action that can be taken within the workplace to mitigate the damaging impact of industry on the environment. Explore how the lifestyle of an individual can be environmentally detrimental, while offering an insight into ways to reduce their carbon footprint

Understanding Retrofit and the Principles of Effective Energy Usage

AIM: The aims of this course are to ensure clients understand fuel saving techniques and an insight into fuel poverty.

OBJECTIVES: Give you an introduction into the principles of Domestic retrofit and an understanding of how Domestic retrofit improves or modifies existing residential properties to make them more energy-efficient and sustainable. An introduction to new energy-saving technologies or passive measures to reduce energy demand and associated carbon emissions that will enhance the building’s overall performance. Understanding why making homes greener, they will be more environmentally friendly, as well as cheaper to run and more comfortable to live in.


Here at UTRAINING we recognise that Employers are often provided with new starters who just don’t have the employability skills which they crave for in your workforce. Therefore, at UTRAINING we place as much emphasis on employability skills as we do on sector skills to ensure your new starters organisational needs!

UTRAINING also recognise that pre-employability training needs to be stimulating, exciting, informal & interactive, which not only enthuses potential employees to learn, but ensures they can apply this learning within the workplace.


UTRAINING’s employability team consists of qualified, informal educators who have taken both these needs into account and devised a unique approach to pre-employability training which makes us different from other providers.

​Our team has significant experience and expertise of working with diverse groups and recognise that diverse groups have diverse needs. The UTRAINING team places these needs at the heart of their work and understand that a key element to devising training for such groups has been to adopt co-production and youth participation strategies.

​The UTRAINING employability team have utilised this knowledge to devise a model to co-creating employability training which incorporates co-production and youth participation models. We call this model our ‘Employee Friendly’ model which ensures employers and potential employees’ ideas, needs and interests are all considered within all of UTRAINING’s employability training.


Our UTRAINING team have identified the typical employability skills most sought by employers and adopted our ‘Employee Friendly’ model and worked with unemployed people to create training modules which meet their diverse learning needs. Our catalogue of training enables employers to select a bespoke employability programme to meet their organisational needs, whilst our ‘Employee Friendly’ approach ensures that  future employees engage and retain the learning from bespoke programmes.

The UTRAINING team will also ensure that  bespoke programme are matched against formal qualifications, ensuring new employees are not only learning through a means that meets their needs, but also meet employer requirements whilst gaining recognised sector and employability skills qualifications.

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